Applied Research. Technical Support.

The Water Institute of the Gulf is a not-for-profit, independent applied research and technical services institution with a mission to help coastal and deltaic communities thoughtfully prepare for an uncertain future. Through an integrated and interdisciplinary approach, our work helps create more resilient communities, thriving economies, and healthy environment.


Dedicated to the future of our coast

Ambassador James Joseph Member of the Board

The Institute understands that to solve the complex challenges that our coastal communities will face into the future, we must bring an integrated approach that bridges traditional research activities and focuses our applied studies at the intersection of the environment, the economy, and the human dimension.

The Institute’s integrated approach to analyzing water movement, availability, water demand, and an ecosystem’s minimum water needs helps ensure a balanced consideration of multiple factors.

Blue Carbon

In ongoing discussions about reducing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, blue carbon has emerged as a recognized tool to address this challenge in a sustainable and long-term way. Blue carbon describes the ability of aquatic and wetland plan...

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Louisiana Coastal Neotectonics and Subsidence Expert Panel

The Water Institute of the Gulf assembled an expert panel composed of recognized experts in the fields of neotectonics/subsidence and geomorphic/sedim...

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Plan to protect Baton Rouge drinking water from saltwater moving forward under new leadership

A strategic plan to decide how to protect the Baton Rouge area's drinking water from potential saltwater intrusion appears to be moving forward, now t...

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