About The Water Institute

Founded in late 2011 through a collaborative effort involving the State of Louisiana, Senator Mary Landrieu, and the Baton Rouge Area Foundation (BRAF), the Institute connects academic, public, and private research providers and conducts applied research to serve communities and industry. In 2014, the Institute was selected as the Resources and Ecosystem Sustainability, Tourism Opportunities, and Revived Economy of the Gulf Coast (RESTORE) Act Center of Excellence for Louisiana. In all endeavors, our goal is to increase understanding of natural and human aspects of deltaic, coastal, and water systems; to develop tools that apply knowledge to restore coasts and ecosystems; and to reduce risk for people and infrastructure.

Learn more about the Water Institute by visiting the related links and reading the message from our president and CEO.

Read our Overview brochure.

Message from President and CEO

Justin Ehrenwerth President and CEO

Welcome to The Water Institute, a non-profit, independent applied research organization dedicated to providing the science and solutions needed to inform difficult decisions facing coastal communities around the world. 

From our work on Louisiana’s Coastal Master Plan to helping communities in the Mekong Delta address their coastal challenges, the Institute team brings an integrated and collaborative approach to generate integrated solutions. Working with our collaborators in academia, NGOs, government, private sector firms, and coastal communities, our goal is to bring the deep experience of the Institute’s team to bear on water-based challenges. 

Our greatest strength is our collaborative approach – both internally and externally. Internally, the Institute’s team combines modeling, field work, and community resiliency expertise while externally, we work with our many partners to leverage our collective skills and expertise.

In July 2017, the Institute dramatically enhanced our capabilities by forming a new partnership and deeper collaboration with Deltares, an internationally renowned coastal and deltaic applied research institute based in the Netherlands. The shared experienced of the Institute and Deltares provides a game-changing resource in confronting community concerns surrounding the challenges of sea level rise and adaptation to climate change.

Please join us as we work toward a more sustainable and resilient future.