
The Water Institute produces a range of scientific publications. In this way, we contribute to the state of the science, communicating cutting edge ideas to a broad technical audience.

Particle tracking to examine sediment dynamics in a Mississippi River delta diversion

In this article, "Observational and numerical particle tracking to examine sediment dynamics in a Mississippi River delta diversion," the authors use ...

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Enhanced terrestrial carbon preservation promoted by reactive iron in deltaic sediments

Understanding the mechanisms responsible for enhancing the stability and long-term storage of organic carbon in sediments and soils is important for p...

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Compartment-based Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Modeling of a Northern Everglades Wetland, Florida

The last remaining large remnant of softwater wetlands in the US Florida Everglades lies within the Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife R...

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Mississippi River channel response to the Bonnet Carré Spillway opening in the 2011 flood

The large Mississippi River flood in 2011 was notable in south Louisiana for requiring operation of several flood control structures to reduce stress ...

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Numerical modeling of hydrodynamics and sediment transport in lower Mississippi at a proposed delta building diversion

The Mississippi river delta of south Louisiana is a highly engineered system with extensive levees, flood control and diversion structures that is als...

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Evaluation of Sediment Diversion Design Attributes and Their Impact on the Capture Efficiency

Many riverine systems have been disconnected from their receiving basins by flood-protection levees and other engineered systems. Reconnecting these a...

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Historical Recontruction of Phytoplankton Composition in Estuaries of Fiordland, New Zealand

Phytoplankton pigments in sediment cores from four New Zealand fjords were quantified to investigate community composition and primary production in t...

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2017 Coastal Master Plan

A suite of individual modeling tools was developed for use in the 2012 Coastal Master Plan. The models were used to estimate the individual and cumula...

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Global Risks and Research Priorities for Coastal Subsidence

Coastal lowlands are particularly vulnerable to the climate change effects forecasted for the 21st century including threats of inundation by accelera...

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Proposed best modeling practices for assessing the effects of ecosystem restoration on fish

Large-scale aquatic ecosystem restoration is increasing and is often controversial because of the economic costs involved, with the focus of the contr...

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Relationships Between Salinity and Short-Term Soil Carbon Accumulation Rates from Marsh Types Across a Landscape in the Mississippi River Delta

This paper shows that although researchers found relatively little difference in the rates of this short-term accumulation across marsh types, as sali...

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Riverside morphological response to pulsed sediment diversions

This paper examines how researchers used numerical modeling of the lower Mississippi River informed by detailed field observations to produce informat...

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Linking the bottom to the top in aquatic ecosystems

Linkages between benthic and pelagic habitats occur in both freshwater and marine systems across multiple spatial and temporal scales, and are influen...

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High rates of organic carbon burial in fjord sediments globally

The deposition and long-term burial of organic carbon in marine sediments has played a key role in controlling atmospheric oxygen and carbon dioxide c...

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Contrasting watershed-scale trends in runoff and sediment yield complicate rangeland water resources planning

Rangelands cover a large portion of the earth’s land surface and are undergoing dramatic landscape changes. At the same time, these ecosystems face in...

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Distribution of branched GDGTs in surface sediments from the Colville River, Alaska

Significant climate fluctuations in the Arctic over the recent past, and additional predicted future temperature changes, highlight the need for high-...

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Modern deposition rates and patterns of organic carbon burial in Fiordland, New Zealand

This publication looks at patterns of organic carbon burial in Fiordland, New Zealand. Fjords are disproportionately important for global organic carb...

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Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Thalassia testudinum Leaf Tissue Nutrients at Chandeleur Islands

Seagrasses are submerged marine plants that are anchored to the substrate and are therefore limited to assimilating nutrients from the surrounding wat...

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Pathways and Processes Associated with the Transport of Groundwater in Deltaic Systems

Allison, M.A., Kolker, A.S., Cable, J.E., Johannesson, K.H. and Inniss, L.V. (2013) “Pathways and processes associated with the transport of groundwat...

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Suspension of Bed Material over Sand Bars in the Lower Mississippi River & its Implications

Allison, M.A., and Ramirez, M.T. (2013) “Suspension of bed material over sand bars in the Lower Mississippi River and its implications for Mississippi...

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An Examination of Froude-Supercritical Flows and Cyclic Steps On A Subaqueous Lacustrine Delta, Lake

Density-driven submarine flows, including turbidity currents, play an important role in the transfer of sediment into deep water. These bottom-hugging...

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Sources of organic matter in sediments of the Colville River delta, Alaska: A multi-proxy approach

Thawing of permafrost and subsequent release of organic carbon in the warming Arctic has great potential to influence carbon cycling between the land ...

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Coastal Ecosystems: A Critical Element of Risk Reduction

Spalding, M.D., McIvor, A.L., Beck, M.W., Koch, E.W., Moller, I., Reed, D.J., Rubinoff, P., Spencer, T., Tolhurst, T.J., Wamsley, T.V., van Wesenbeeck...

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Diversion of Mississippi River Water Downstream of New Orleans, La to Maximize Sediment Capture

Allison, M.A., Ramirez, M.T., Meselhe, E.A. (2014) "Diversion of Mississippi River Water Downstream of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA to Maximize Sedimen...

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Bed Forms Resistance Dependency on Numerical Model Grid Size Spatial Resolution

El Kheiashy, K., McCorquodale, J., Georgiou, I., Meselhe, E. (2014).  "Bed Forms Resistance Dependency on Numerical Model Grid Size Spatial Resolution...

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Forecasting Landscape Effects of Mississippi River Diversions on Elevation and Accretion

Wang, H., Steyer, G.D., Couvillion, B.R., Rybczyk, J.M., Beck, H.J., Sleavin, W.J., Meselhe, E.A., Allison, M.A., Boustany, R.G., Fischenich, C.J., Ri...

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Influence of the Mississippi River on Pseudo-Nitzschia spp. Abundance and Toxicity in Louisiana

Melissa Baustian co-authored "Influence of the Mississippi River on Pseudo-nitzchia spp. Abundance and Toxicity in Louisiana Coastal Waters". The pres...

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Ecohydrology Component of Louisiana's 2012 Coastal Master Plan: Mass-Balance Compartment Model

Meselhe, E., McCorquodale, J.A., Shelden, J., Dortch, M., Brown, T.S., Elkan, P., Rodrigue, M.D., Schindler, J.K., and Wang, Z. (2013) "Ecohydrology C...

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Oceanography, Volume 30, Number 3

"Oceanography: Special Issue on Sedimentary Processes Building a Tropical Delta Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: The Mekong System" presents work from ...

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Landscape-Level Estimation of Nitrogen Removal in Coastal Louisiana Wetlands

Rivera-Monroy, V.H., Branoff, B., Meselhe, E., McCorquodale, A., Dortch, M., Steyer, G.D., Visser, J., and Wang, H. (2013) "Landscape-Level Estimation...

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Louisiana's 2012 Coastal Master Plan: Overview of a Science-Based & Publicly Informed Process

Peyronnin, N., Green, M., Richards, C.P., Owens, A., Reed, D., Chamberlain, J., Groves, D.G., Rhinehard, W.K., and Belhadjali, K. (2013) "Louisiana's ...

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Hydrologic Modeling in a Marsh–Mangrove Ecotone: Predicting Wetland Surface Water and Salinity Response to Restoration in the Ten Thousand Islands Region of Florida, USA

At the fringe of Everglades National Park in southwest Florida, United States, the Ten Thousand Islands National Wildlife Refuge (TTINWR) habitat has ...

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Community Resettlement Prospects in Southeast Louisiana

Christopher Dalbom, Program Manager of the Tulane Institute on Water Resources Law & Policy; Scott A. Hemmerling, Associate Director of Human Dime...

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An Overview of Cyberinfrastructure to Support the Coastal Modeling Community in the Gulf of Mexico

Twilley, R.R., S. Brandt, D. Breaux, J. Cartwright, J. Chen, G. Easson, P. Fitzpatrick, K. Fridley, S. Graves, S. Harper, C. Kaiser, A. Maestre, M. Ma...

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Parametric Uncertainty Analysis of Predictive Models in Louisiana's 2012 Coastal Master Plan

Habib, E. and Reed, D. (2013) "Parametric Uncertainty Analysis of Predictive Models in Louisiana's 2012 Coastal Master Plan," Journal of Coastal Resea...

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Morphodynamic evolution of a lower Mississippi River channel bar after sand mining

This paper reports the results of an investigation on the relationship between sediment supply, borrow-pit flow hydrodynamics, and borrow-pit infillin...

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2017 Coastal Master Plan: Strategy for Selecting Fish Modeling Approaches

Coastal restoration involves the alteration of environmental conditions that result in direct and indirect responses of individual fish and shellfish....

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Global Risks and Research Priorities for Coastal Subsidence

Subsidence plays a significant role in Louisiana’s continued coastal land loss and marsh deterioration, with some areas measuring in at a rate of 10 m...

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Morphodynamics of the Erosional Phase of Crevasse-Splay Evolution and Implications for Diversions

Researchers used the West Bay diversion in lower Plaquemines Parish as analogue for state-proposed sediment diversions in Lower Barataria and Lower Br...

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Application of Species Distribution Models to Identify Estuarine Hot Spots for Juvenile Nekton

Modeling the distribution and habitat capacities of key estuarine species can be used to identify hot spots, areas where species density is significan...

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Louisiana Coastal Area Program - Mississippi River Hydrodynamic and Delta Management Study

The Louisiana Coastal Area, Louisiana Ecosystem Restoration Study was recommended to Congress by a Chief of Engineers report dated January 31, 2005 th...

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Use of Marsh Edge and Submerged Aquatic Vegetation as Habitat by Fish and Crustaceans in Degrading Southern Louisiana Coastal Marshes

Marshes in coastal Louisiana are undergoing rapid rates of loss making it important to understand how fish and crustaceans use these changing landscap...

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Permafrost Organic Carbon Mobilization From the Watershed to the Colville River Delta: Evidence From 14C Ramped Pyrolysis and Lignin Biomarkers

The deposition of terrestrial-derived permafrost particulate organic carbon (POC) has been recorded in major Arctic river deltas. However, associated ...

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Discharge controls on the sediment and dissolved nutrient transport flux of the lowermost Mississippi River: Implications for export to the ocean and for delta restoration

Researchers at The Water Institute of the Gulf, Tulane University, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineering Research and Development Center us...

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Dinoflagellate Cysts Track Eutrophication in the Northern Gulf of Mexico

We examined organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts from one 210Pb-dated sediment core and 39 surface sediment samples from the northern Gulf of Mexico to...

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Transfer Entropy as a Tool for Hydrodynamic Model Validation

The validation of numerical models is an important component of modeling to ensure reliability of model outputs under prescribed conditions. In river ...

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A multi-proxy investigation of late-Holocene temperature change and climate-driven fluctuations in sediment sourcing: Simpson Lagoon, Alaska

The significant and ongoing environmental changes in Arctic regions demonstrate the need for quantitative, high-resolution records of pre-industrial c...

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Investing in Natural and Nature-Based Infrastructure: Building Better Along Our Coasts

Much of the United States’ critical infrastructure is either aging or requires significant repair, leaving U.S. communities and the economy vulnerable...

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Direct and indirect controls on organic matter decomposition in four coastal wetland communities along a landscape salinity gradient

As sea level rises, initial direct effects of salinity will stimulate decay of labile carbon, but over time as plant communities shift from fresh to p...

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Modeling current and future freshwater inflow needs of a subtropical estuary to manage and maintain forested wetland ecological conditions

Freshwater bodies and estuaries worldwide are undergoing drastic change due to alteration of freshwater flow that impacts their ecology. Freshwater in...

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Historical Associations of Molecular Measurements of Escherichia coli and Enterococci to Anthropogenic Activities and Climate Variables in Freshwater Sediment Cores

This study investigated the long-term associations of anthropogenic (sedimentary P, C, and N concentrations, and human population in the watershed), a...

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Melitasphaeridium choanophorum – a living fossil dinoflagellate cyst in the Gulf of Mexico

This study shows the first conclusive evidence that Melitasphaeridium choanophorum, a dinoflagellate cyst species until recently considered extinct, i...

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EnvironMentors: Mentoring At-Risk High School Students through University Partnerships

Informal place-based environmental education is a proven approach for increasing environmental awareness for students in urban cities. This article de...

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Shifting career pathways of Ph.D. ecologists: Is it time to redefine the "alternative" career?"

Graduate programs in ecology tend to emphasize academiccareers for Ph.D. candidates, while viewing non-academiccareers (e.g., those in government, non...

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A one hundred year review of the socioeconomic and ecological systems of Lake St. Clair, North America

There is a growing concern about continued impairment of aquatic ecosystems resulting from increasing population size, land use, climate change, and t...

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Coupling Socioeconomic and Lake Systems for Sustainability: A Conceptual Analysis Using Lake St. Clair Region as a Case Study

Applying sustainability at an operational level requires understanding the linkages between socioeconomic and natural systems. We identified linkages ...

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Microphytobenthos along the Louisiana continental shelf during mid-summer hypoxia

Microphytobenthos may influence benthic processes, such as the oxygen dynamics in the bottom-water of the hypoxic area of the northern Gulf of Mexico....

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Seasonal microphytobenthos on the hypoxic ­northern Gulf of Mexico continental shelf

The presence of photosynthetic organisms on the seafloor may indicate whether oxygen evolution contributes to the bottom water oxygen pool in the hypo...

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A Bayesian hierarchical modeling approach for analyzing observational data from marine ecological studies

This study introduces the Bayesian hierarchical modeling approach for analyzing observational data from marine ecological studies using a data set int...

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Effects of summer 2003 hypoxia on macrobenthos and Atlantic croaker foraging selectivity in the northern Gulf of Mexico

Bottom-water hypoxia (≤ 2 mg O2 L− 1) occurs on an annual basis on the northern Gulf of Mexico continental shelf from mid-May through mid-September ov...

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Seasonal Composition of Benthic Macroinfauna Exposed to Hypoxia in the Northern Gulf of Mexico

Bottom-water hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico has increased in severity (duration, frequency, and intensity) since the 1970s and has impacted th...

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Innovative Assessment Tools for a Short, Fast-Paced, Summer Field Course

An experiential science program, such as a summer course at a field station, requires unique assessment tools. Traditional assessment via a pencil-and...

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Response of Shrimp Populations to Land-Derived Nitrogen in Waquoit Bay, Massachusetts

Land-derived nitrogen impacts are a major agent of change affecting estuarine populations. Some changes include macroalgae and phytoplankton blooms, w...

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Towards a framework to support coastal change governance in small islands

Small islands can guide visualization of the diverse information requirements of future context-relevant coastal governance. On small marine islands (...

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Building a More Resilient Housing System

In February 2017, the Kinder Institute for Urban Research at Rice University, Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC), and CSH partnered to host ...

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Tidal flat-wetland systems as flood defenses: Understanding biogeomorphic controls

Coastal managers worldwide increasingly recognize the importance of conservation and restoration of natural coastal ecosystems. This ensures coastal r...

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Development of an Integrated Biophysical Model to represent morphological and ecological processes in a changing deltaic and coastal ecosystem

Deltaic and coastal ecosystems are changing in response to natural and anthropogenic forces that require ecosystem-level restoration efforts to avoid ...

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Keeping Nutrients Where You Need Them

A green lawn, gorgeous landscaping, or that backyard garden usually means the application of fertilizer in one form or another. However, that fertiliz...

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Linking management planning for coastal wetlands to potential future wave attenuation under a range of relative sea-level rise scenarios

Understanding changes in wave attenuation by emergent vegetation as wetlands degrade or accrete over time is crucial for incorporation of wetlands int...

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Voluntary Restoration: Mitigation's Silent Partner in the Quest to Reverse Coastal Wetland Loss in the USA

Coastal ecosystems are under pressure from a vast array of anthropogenic stressors, including development and climate change, resulting in significant...

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Paleo-environmental evidence of ecosystem change in Lake St. Clair region of Laurentian Great Lakes basin: contrasting responses to land-use change and invasive mussels

The Laurentian Great Lakes have been subject to substantial modification from diverse anthropogenic stressors, including nutrient enrichment, climate ...

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Engaging coastal community members about natural and nature-based solutions to assess their ecosystem function

Hazards in coastal ecosystems, such as flooding and land loss, demand natural and nature-based solutions from local communities due to the protective ...

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Knowledge-Based Predictive Tools to Assess Effectiveness of Natural and Nature-Based Solutions for Coastal Restoration and Protection Planning

Predictive tools are widely used to study coastal and deltaic systems in support of basic research, planning efforts, engineering design, and the impl...

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Elevating local knowledge through participatory modeling: active community engagement in restoration planning in coastal Louisiana

Numerical modeling efforts in support of restoration and protection activities in coastal Louisiana have traditionally been conducted externally to an...

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Rethinking the River

A complex set of pressing management concerns is driving a shift in the ways that science and management are coupled in the Mississippi River Delta re...

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Social Factors Key to Landscape-Scale Coastal Restoration: Lessons Learned from Three U.S. Case Studies

In the United States, extensive investments have been made to restore the ecological function and services of coastal marine habitats. Despite a grow...

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Principles for integrated island management in the tropical Pacific

We propose a new approach for island-wide planning and implementation of ecosystem management in the Pacific, recognizing a lack of replicability, sus...

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Eroding Communities and Diverting Populations: Historical Population Dynamics in Coastal Louisiana

The traditional notion of inherent resilience as a continual functioning of community during “non-crisis” periods does not apply perfectly to coastal ...

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Social Justice and Mobility in Coastal Louisiana, USA

Louisiana faces extensive coastal land loss which threatens the livelihoods of marginalized populations. These groups have endured extreme disruptive ...

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Incorporating Local Knowledge into Ecological Restoration Assessments – Case Studies in Louisiana

Ecological restoration and other activities that interact with environmental systems have typically relied on scientic analysis to predict the impacts...

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Monitoring plans for Louisiana’s system-wide assessment and monitoring program (SWAMP). Version IV

The System-Wide Assessment and Monitoring Program (SWAMP) has been envisioned as a long-term monitoring program to ensure a comprehensive network of c...

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Louisiana Adaptive Management Status and Improvement Report: Vision and Recommendations

This report presents a consensus-based common vision for adaptive management of coastal restoration implementation in Louisiana. As Louisiana Coastal ...

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A short history of funding and accomplishments post-Deepwater Horizon

Provides a short review of history and accomplishments of the largest funding allocations for research and restoration made as a result of the Deepwat...

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Gulf-wide data synthesis for restoration planning: Utility and limitations

Examines a process of synthesizing available data in order to maximize environmental, societal, and financial benefits of work planned to be done as a...

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Double exposure and dynamic vulnerability: Assessing economic well-being, ecological change and the development of the oil and gas industry in coastal Louisiana

Examines the relationship between economic well-being, oil and gas infrastructure development, and healthy fish and shellfish habitat in Louisiana’s c...

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Strategies to implement adaptive management practices for restoration in coastal Louisiana

Due to the Deepwater Horizon settlement, the amount of coastal restoration work has greatly increased. This has in turn led to an increase in the gove...

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Event and decadal-scale modeling of barrier island restoration designs for decision support

This paper outlines the development of a model framework to simulate the evolution of a barrier island given such challenges as sea level rise and sto...

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Blue Crab Abundance and Survival in a Fragmenting Coastal Marsh System

Louisiana’s coastal marshes are becoming increasingly fragmented due to sea level rise, subsidence, reduced sediment inflow from the Mississippi River...

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Flow Loss in Deltaic Distributaries: Impacts on Channel Hydraulics, Morphology, and Stability

The most comprehensive data sets documenting hydraulic and sediment transport regimes in the lower reaches of alluvial rivers come from systems that a...

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A review of transport of nanoparticles in porous media: From pore- to macroscale using computational methods

Transport and deposition of nanoparticles in saturated porous media is a topic of great importance in several fields of science and engineering. Collo...

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Integrated assessment of storm surge barrier systems under present and future climates and comparison to alternatives: a case study of Boston, USA

Large-scale barriers are a management option for present and increasing coastal storm flooding. The barriers have gates that are open most times excep...

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Sand settling through bedform-generated turbulence in rivers

Fluvial bedforms generate a turbulent wake that can impact suspended‐sediment settling in the passing flow. This impact has implications for ...

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The Roles of Storminess and Sea Level Rise in Decadal Barrier Island Evolution

Barrier islands protect mainland coastal communities during storms. In the future, the effects of storms and sea level rise (SLR) threaten barrier isl...

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Sensitivity of Storm Response to Antecedent Topography in the XBeach Model

Antecedent topography is an important aspect of coastal morphology when studying and forecasting coastal change hazards. The uncertainty in morphologi...

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