Making Waves
A collection of articles, reports, publications and events that highlight some of the work we're proud of at The Water Institute.
Blue Carbon
Apr 29, 2020
In ongoing discussions about reducing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, blue carbon has emerged as a recognized tool to address this challenge in a sustainable and long-term way. Blue carbon describes the ability of aquatic and wetland plan...
Water Quality Capabilities
Dec 17, 2018
Water quality impacts ecosystems, and the people who depend on them, whether it is the need for safe drinking water, healthy fisheries, agriculture, or other uses. Ensuring good water quality, or measuring changes in water quality is essential but in...
Partnership for Our Working Coast
Resiliency. Opportunity. Sustainability.
Jul 17, 2018
The Partnership for Our Working Coast is an alliance of industry and environmental partners, led by The Water Institute of the Gulf, collaborating to contribute to the coastal resiliency of our community, the environment, and the working coast. THE C...
Supporting the Working Coast
Land loss, sea level rise, subsidence, and storms increasingly threaten the economic sustainability of Gulf coastal areas at a time when populations and infrastructure investments are rising.
Jan 22, 2018
More than two million people live in Louisiana’s coastal zone, many in communities that face increasing risk of flood from storms or severe rain events. The industries many residents depend on for their livelihood are no different. At the same time, ...
Providing A Better Picture of The Rapidly Changing Mekong Delta
Coupled process studies and numerical simulations of channel sand dynamics in tide dominated river channels: A Mekong Delta case study
Sep 28, 2017
At the seaward end of one of the most geopolitically complex watersheds on Earth lies the Mekong Delta. The river flows through six countries that are experiencing rapid population growth and development. The first major dam on the river was built in...
Bringing community input to coastal response
A deeper look into a new report from The Water Institute
Bridging scientific working groups with community input, a new report from the Institute, “Building community and coastal resilience to a changing Louisiana coastline through restoration of key ecosystem functions,” looks at how local knowledge and v...
Informing Pacific Islands Adaptation Decision Making Using Coastal Models
Using lessons learned in Louisiana, The Water Institute of the Gulf is working with communities in the Pacific to determine how best to stabilize eroding shorelines and provide more resiliency from ocean forces.
Aug 27, 2017
Using lessons learned in Louisiana, The Water Institute of the Gulf is working with communities in the Pacific to determine how best to stabilize eroding shorelines and provide more resiliency from ocean forces. The Institute’s Director of Coastal Ec...