Our Team

The Institute’s team integrates a wide variety of skill sets, experience, and education into the work we do in finding the best, most holistic solutions to the challenges that face communities living within coastal, riverine, and deltaic systems.

Hailing from around the world, this team gives the Institute the well-rounded approach that allows us to bring elements as diverse as population demographics, policy analysis, water and sediment transport, ecosystem dynamics and predictive numerical modeling to help inform decision makers facing tough choices. The Institute’s dedicated staff is the key to our ability to approach projects across disciplines.

Decades of research into coastal and delta processes, as well as a long history of lessons learned from a multitude of hurricanes and flooding events, the Institute is contributing toward making Louisiana a leader in coastal resiliency issues nationally and internationally.

Justin Ehrenwerth

President and CEO

Alyssa Dausman

Senior Vice President & Chief Scientist

Hugh Roberts

Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

Jennifer Butler

Vice President for Administration

Tim Carruthers

Director of Coastal Ecology

Scott Hemmerling

Director of Human Dimensions

Mike Miner

Director of Applied Geosciences

Ioannis Georgiou

Director of Coastal and Deltaic Systems Modeling

Beaux Jones

Chief of Staff & General Counsel

Alex McCorquodale

Senior Technical Advisor

Dale Morris

Director of Strategic Partnerships

Amy Wold

Director of Communications

Melissa Baustian

Coastal Ecologist/Senior Research Scientist/Director of LA-COE

Heather Bercegeay

Project Finance and Contracts Specialist

Harris Bienn

Research Associate/Geospatial Lead

Martijn Bregman

Research Associate

Brittany Brock

Office Manager

Charley Cameron

Technical Editor

Ryan Clark

Research Scientist/Deputy Director of Strategic Partnerships

Zachary Cobell

Research Engineer

Andrew Courtois

Field Geologist

Patricia "Soupy" Dalyander

Physical Oceanographer

Allison DeJong


Diana Di Leonardo

Research Scientist: Water Resources

Christopher Esposito

Research Scientist: Water Resources

Kristen Green


Lauren Grimley

Research Scientist

Danielle W. Johnson

Grants & Contracts Manager

Hoonshin Jung

Research Scientist: Hydraulics-Water Quality

Erin Kiskaddon

Benthic Ecologist

Bingqing Liu

Postdoctoral researcher /Deputy Director LA-COE

Brett McMann

Civil Engineer

Francesca Messina

Research Scientist: Water Resources

Colleen McHugh

Senior Adaptation Planner

Jessi Parfait


Matthew Rodi

Project Controls Analyst

Brandy Rush

Human Resources Manager

Yushi Wang

Research Scientist: Water Resources

Eva Windhoffer

Coastal Wildlife Ecologist

Nathan Young

Senior Research Scientist

Brendan Yuill

Research Scientist: Water Resources

Shan Zou

Research Scientists: Modeling