Dutch Dialogues® Charleston

The Challenge

Situated on a peninsula between two rivers and exposed on a third side to the Atlantic Ocean, Charleston, South Carolina, is increasingly exposed to nuisance flooding and storms.

Charleston’s future depends upon how well the city and surrounding counties invest to adapt and preserve physical assets, underlying economies of medicine, education, tourism and trade, and enhance residents’ quality of life.

The Approach

Given Charleston’s abundant natural and man-made assets, creatively linking spatial planning, integrated water management, infrastructure and development will yield a compelling vision for Charleston’s future. Recognizing this need, the City of Charleston and the Historic Charleston Foundation announced in January that they would be partnering with the Institute, Waggonner & Ball and Royal Netherlands Embassy to initiate a “Dutch Dialogues Charleston” program for the city.

Dutch Dialogues is a design-driven workshop model to help city agencies and relevant community, academic, and private sector stakeholders understand new and/or alternative approaches for integrated flood risk mitigation. In Charleston, the work focuses on four study areas within the city, each with its own character, challenges, and needs.

A colloquium was held in May 2019 and the resulting summary is available below.

A final report was issued in September 2019 available below.