Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region 6

FEMA Cooperating Technical Partners Special Project: Flood Insurance Public Service Announcements


The Challenge

The Institute is a FEMA Cooperating Technical Partner (CTP) for FEMA Region 6 and the State of Louisiana. The Institute’s CTP Program Management activity coordinates the planning and management activities required by State CTPs in support of Risk MAP program implementation throughout FEMA Region 6. Activities performed by the Institute under the CTP program include the creation and annual updates of the Institute’s CTP 5-year Business Plan, implementation of flood risk mapping through watershed discovery projects, special communication projects, and creation of training materials for university engineering students and local engineering practitioners.

FEMA awarded a number of special project grants as part of their work to increase the number of people purchasing and being enrolled in the National Flood Insurance Program. One of those awarded projects was to the Institute and was designed to produce a number of short Public Service Announcements (PSA)s that could be run over multiple media platforms, including television, the internet, and social media.

The Approach

Well-respected and long-time meteorologist Jay Grymes with WAFB agreed to lend is vast experience to the production of the videos. Through working with WAFB, the Institute produced a series of four PSAs on the importance of flood insurance because as Jay said, “Do you need flood insurance? Well if you live in Louisiana and it’s ever rained in your backyard, the answer is yes.”