Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority

Louisiana Coastal Neotectonics and Subsidence Expert Panel

Other Author(s): Panelists: Chair Elizabeth Hajek, Penn State University; John Anderson, Rice University;​ David Mohrig, University of Texas at Austin

The Challenge

The Water Institute of the Gulf assembled an expert panel composed of recognized experts in the fields of neotectonics/subsidence and geomorphic/sedimentary response in the Louisiana coastal region.

The Approach

The Water Institute of the Gulf assembled an expert panel composed of recognized experts in the fields of neotectonics/subsidence and geomorphic/sedimentary response in the Louisiana coastal region. The panel was charged with weighing the data, interpretations and conclusions presented to them by scientists conducting research related to this topic during the workshop in the context of fostering open discussion of neotectonics and coastal restoration at the planning time scale.

The panel - Chair Elizabeth Hajek, Penn State University; John Anderson, Rice University; David Mohrig, University of Texas at Austin - provided a forum for the discussion of neotectonics and its potential impacts on management of coastal natural resources.

The agenda of each three panel presentations and the subsequent reports are listed below. The third session, broken into a series of presentations, was recorded with links below.

Dr. Frank Tsai, Louisiana State University

Recording of the presentation from June 3 here https://youtu.be/NPXXgnsAhPg

USGS Geologist Julie Bernier

Recording of the presentation from June 4 here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=513SSqETxEY

Dr. Simone Fiaschi, Tulane University

Recording of the presentation from June 5 here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIWMbgKtqBk